Do you know the path you're on?
Is it a clear cement road that’s straight?
If its more of a dusty desert and windy never ending storm then this course is for you.
Finding your direction is crucial in creating your entrepreneurship or small business. How do we know which way to run if we can’t even see a path? Do you know how you work best? Is it in a corporate setting, working for a manager? Is it a 9-5? Is it working for yourself and having financial freedom? Is it being a stay at home mom? Being a work at home mom? Traveling as a blogger? Sitting on the lawn painting mugs watching your kids play? Designing homes? Selling Real Estate?
What makes you feel alive?
We are covering it all girl. The questions that are hard to answer when your mind feels cluttered – were sweeping the storm. Get ready, have an open mind, and be prepared to launch into your dream life being the best version of you. .
The best thing about today's era is you truly have no walls holding you in. Remember when you were little and your parents, or teachers, or whoever was a motivator in your life told you “when you grow up you can be anything you want to be.” I am here to tell you as someone who started with absolutely nothing but a strong hearts desire to be somebody and make a difference in this world, that YOU CAN DO IT! You can be ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BE.
Let me rewind a little….
I won’t go into a full on biography as I want this course to be straight to the point, knowledgeable, encouraging, and have you ready and motivated to accomplish anything you set your mind to. On the other hand, I find it crucial that you can relate (or not relate) to my story.
Either way I still hope you gain something amazing out of this journey we're headed on..
This is going to be like an iphone time lapse story – here we go!
I had a strong desire from a young age to be something special, to make a change, to have some sort of calling.
In life sometimes things don’t go as planned and we hit speed bumps along the way. From the age of two til about twelve, I was dead set on being a singer. My dad would go purchase all the latest electronics, karaoke machines, pay for my choir, band, and singing lessons. Then I went to a concert and had this solo, tale as old as time by Beauty and the Beast to be exact. I had practiced for months, the big moment I had waited to show the world I was the next Mariah had finally arrived.
My outcome did not go quit as imagined. After the concert I was told by other family members “Maybe singing is just not your thing.” I never sang again.
There are those rare moments after several drinks at a karaoke bar with a bestie….then it gets real, Mariah comes out..
The moral of this story is something died in me that day.
Looking back it was so silly, but as a child the people you admire can really dampen any dream quickly by not believing in you. (Now as an adult I truly can’t sing…so this may not have been far from the truth, however don’t miss the moral that I let someone else stomp on my dream.)
By 19 I had lived in Washington, Illinois, Indiana, and back to Washington. Stability was never something that was normal for me. This created me to be comfortable and feel safe in chaos.
(Something we will cover in this book is clearing chaos and learning to organize our lives one step at a time.) This has taken me years to learn and is something I still work on daily.
I began making horrible choices that were life destructing by 14 and pretty much did not stop til around 25. At 13 I went from living with a very strict over protective single dad, to living with my mom, sisters and a lot more relaxed rules. You can fill in the blanks that I turned into the nightmare teenager all parents fear for. I owe my parents greatly for pretty much the rest of my life.
Moving forward… at 19 I moved to California with a garbage bag full of belongings and a bright yellow suit case called “big yellow” a friend lent me for the flight to California. I have not moved since. It was time for some stability and to grow up.
At 20 I enrolled in a makeup school to receive a certification while working 12 hour days at a gym and cleaning houses in my spare time, then the unexpected happened. The double pink line. I was 21 and thought I had it all figured out. The need for more income became a necessity as I was a single mom on a mission to give this growing baby the best life I possibly could.. This was the beginning of creating a makeup school. (My first mompreneur adventure) It was a topic I knew inside and out, I had a passion for teaching, and was on the search to find a career where I could gain income, help others, and stay at home with my son. This flourished for about 2 years, I was able to write my own school books and criteria, gain a location, I even got so excited and gung ho that I opened two salons, and began to hire individuals.
Now this all sounds like WOW she’s 23 and thriving….Here is what happened behind the scenes. I had no idea about required licensing, taxes, overhead, profit and loss, basically not a lick of business knowledge. NOT ONE INCLING. So what happened? It all ripped out from under me. I was overwhelmed, doing a half ass job at everything I was doing, I had way to many fish in the fry but wouldn’t get humble to admit I was failing. I wanted so bad to show every one I COULD DO THIS. I WOULD DO THIS. Here’s the deal though, I was trying to gracefully swim in a pool of paranas and chaos that very quickly took me to the bottom of the sea. I didn’t want to have to “need” anyones help. I hit a giant rock bottom, let several employees down, and went into the great depression that everyone hits atleast once if not 100 times in life. I literally had lost everything. I went from being on top of a mountain to crashing and burning, I lost my car, my business, and had to go on welfare to support my child and myself until I could figure some sort of plan B. My ego was too big, my priorities were way off track. Talk about getting vulnerable and feeling worthless. I started tinkering in different art projects and doing makeup again, I got into the wedding industry and was back on my feet about a year later. I slowly started to climb out of my depression. I felt like I failed as a business owner, failed as a mother, I was also going through a horrible custody battle that emotionally destroyed my character and took every ounce of hope I had through this dark time.
Now lets speed up this timelapse, were all on the same page I was a complete and total trainwreck right?
By 26 I had regained my life back, I worked my booty off, I cleaned houses, did weddings every weekend, and wrote as a guest writer for a blog part time. I decided to open up a small boutique in my local town and give business another go, but heres the problem I could never set normal business hours., and changed my business model every other week. It would be high end, it would be second hand, it would be a beauty bar, it would be a beauty supply store. My judgement and path was a dusty storm. So guess what happened….It bombed. Mompreneur Fail Two. What caused this? An unclear path.
While cleaning houses…I met my husband. This man changed my life. For the first time, EVER. I felt self worth, I was starting to see what he saw in me. By 27 I was married in my happily ever after. There was no real direction career wise other than knowing that I never wanted to rock the boat again and decided to just be meek and do what paid the bills. The high ambition of making a difference in this world was dead. (Lets not forget Mariah.)
There is never a way to be ready to even think about a business or branching off again at what could potentially be another life devastating blow that your not prepared to take on.
At 28 I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, my husband had gotten accepted into the San Francisco Fire Department, where he was also required to do a training which would have him gone about 60-70% of the time. I began to get bored with him gone all the time and so began tinkering with different art projects, gifts for friends, and home décor. While pregnant I realized one of my true core passions was interior design. I felt alive and giddy inside designing and dressing up my home, I started with making things, learning, and gathering different supplies etc. I never thought anything of it other than it was a hobby. At this point in my life I had accepted that I was meant to be a mommy and wife, and my focus was on nothing but being the best mom and most supportive wife on my husbands new career.
In 2014 while pregnant with my daughter, I knew it was time.
My husband was gone more and more with his academy and I wanted to pull my end of the weight and decided to try this online business venture called Etsy that so many friends had told me about.
I started my Etsy Shop selling gift baskets. Little did I know this is a giant No No, and everything must be made from hand to be sold on Etsy. They warned me and I quicky deleted everything on my page. This was my third shot and I was not about to blow it before it even began. I than started with wedding stuff. I knew weddings. I could do weddings. I made wine glasses, flower girl accessories, little cute signs and center pieces. I read all the articles, what I was supposed to do and not do. One thing that just stood out to me was to make 10 items a week. I started to do just that, no matter how horrible they looked I kept making, I kept practicing, I kept posting new items. A year went by and not ONE SALE, my daughter was born, and I was adjusting to being a mommy of two and I started to make my Etsy stuff just fun “craft” time with my little munchkins. This was going to be my time to just soak it all in and learn.
Hopefully your catching my unexperienced, unknowledgeable drift here? The difference this time. Humbleness. I didn’t know it all. This was beautiful, this was the beginning of magic.
Lets time lapse again shall we?
Its 2018. I made over $75,000 gross last year strictly on Etsy, I have helped over 48 people launch their Etsy Shops and continue to coach and watch them thrive. Last year I launched my lifestyle blog to help other Mompreneurs find their creativity and chase their passion, I have learned to stay positive and motivate others even through the tough times.
Now its time to really live a huge passion of mine - To show you just how a little sweat, perseverance, tears, and knowledge can change your entire world. It took years of bruises on brick walls, broken bones, and tears but dang it. I hung in there and here I am.
You might have read that and said “woah shes a hot mess” Im putting this down.
You might have read this and shouted “THAT’S ME, THAT COULD BE ME I GET THIS GIRL.”
You might have read this and said “I can’t relate at all but I want what she has.”
No matter what your reading or thinking, know that I created this course to be to the point. To help you. To nourish you. To help you gain clarity and direction for your path. To help you know you can balance mommy hood and entrepreneurship. Or Mompreneuring as I like to call it. The bottom line of this book is YOU CAN DO IT.
I will be covering everything from organizing your life and home, to launching your business, to getting super clear on your correct passion, and most of all to help you launch into being happy, to choosing happy.
Are you ready for no more excuses? Are you prepared to be that girl you close your eyes and envision in ten years? Its time!
Lets do this ladies! Onward and Upward to the Course.